Lifestyle is expressed in both work and leisure behavior patterns and (on an individual basis) in activities, attitudes, interests, opinions, values, and allocation of income. It also reflects people's self image or self concept; the way they see themselves and believe they are seen by the others. Lifestyle is a composite of motivations, needs, and wants and is influenced by factors such as culture, family, reference groups, and social class. The analysis of consumer life styles (called psychographics) is an important factor in determining how consumers make their purchase decisions. See also values, attitudes, and lifestyles system (VALS-2).
Life Style
Minggu, 27 April 2014
Lifestyle is about the parts of our lives that are maybe a little more
personal than everything else. It’s how we make our homes, relate to our
loved ones, raise our children, save our energy, and manage our health and the well-being of those around us
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